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The Culture: Hip Hop and Contemporary Art in the 21st Century FREE July 25–28! Learn more about the exhibition.


Thanks for a great year, CAM docents!

by Sara Birkofer


learning & interpretation , education , docents , community outreach , public tours , school tours , volunteers , Sara Birkofer

The Cincinnati Art Museum Docent Corp recently finished a very successful touring season.  Since September 2014, the docents have served over 26,000 visitors on 1,000+ tours.  We end each touring season with a Spring Banquet. This year the Docent Advisory Council Chair Mary Leroy reflected on the year and the accomplishments of the docents, and she welcomed the new Docent Advisory Council Chair Sue Wilson.   Docent Spring BanquetThis year, we asked a few of the docents: “What is your favorite gallery to tour?” Here’s a few of their favorites:
Abstract Expressionist Gallery 230 – Mary Stratman
Renaissance Gallery 202 – Kelly Angotti
Dutch Gallery 205 – Donna Anderson and Ann Schrimpf
Cincinnati Wing Galleries 110-126 – Sue Wilson
Native American Gallery 216 – Linda Stock
American Galleries 216-219 – Lynda Mercer

Docent Spring BanquetOur docents help educate visitors every day by leading engaging school and public tours.  Docents prepare for tours by training with CAM Curators and Learning and Interpretation staff and spending countless hours researching and docents also lead outreach programs such as Look See Do and Speaker’s Bureau. They aid with programs like Family First Saturday, Wee Wednesday and American Sign Language Tours, Touch Tours and Memories in the Museum.

These dedicated volunteers help make the CAM mission- to bring people and art together- possible.  Our docents come from a diverse background: some are members of CAM committees, some are donors and philanthropists, but each member of the Cincinnati Art Museum Docent Corps makes a difference in visitors’ lives.  Thank you so much to each and every Cincinnati Art Museum docent, for your time, effort and passion for education!

Docent Spring Banquet“Creative, Giving, Dedicated, Passionate – we are blessed at the Cincinnati Art Museum to have such an amazing Docent Corps. Thank you for your continued support and commitment to the Art Museum. We are so very lucky to have you representing us in the community.” – Director of Learning and Interpretation, Emily Holtrop