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Woman adjusts the skirt of Elaine Wormser’s bedspread as it drapes over the bed.

Textile Conservator Chandra Obie Linn adjusting the repaired bedcover during a photography session



Hello, my name is Rachel Boggs and I am a Visitor Services Assistant at the museum. I will be reading the Preparing and Reuniting the Collection section in Unlocking an Art Deco Bedroom by Joseph Urban.

To present as much of the room’s original material as possible, the museum’s team of conservators worked to stabilize and treat each piece from our collection, as well as those lent by the Wormser-Reis family. For example, Textile Conservator Chandra Obie Linn spent months repairing splits in the silk taffeta bedcover caused by light damage, use, and age. Objects Conservator Kelly Rectenwald rewired the dressing table lamps and cleaned and repaired delicate ceramics. When possible, period replacement objects matching those pictured in the room were purchased through private sale or auction, or borrowed from or donated by private collectors.

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