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The Culture: Hip Hop and Contemporary Art in the 21st Century FREE July 25–28! Learn more about the exhibition.


Behind the Scenes in Registration: Around the World for CAM

by Jennifer Eckman


Registration , behind the scenes , exhibitions , travel

I am the Associate Registrar of Exhibitions at the Cincinnati Art Museum, and I have worked for the museum for 9 years.  Within the scope of my responsibilities, I oversee the majority of temporary exhibitions each year, either in-house or traveling.   In that, I negotiate loan agreements, exhibition contracts, and insurance; as well as coordinate crating and shipping arrangements, and work very closely with the Installation department to install and deinstall each show.  But the fun part is when I get the chance to act as a courier for domestic and international loans, and that allows me to visit wonderful places all over the world like France, Japan, Norway and Spain.

Here’s a look at the life of a registrar…


Courier Trip to Paris, France visiting the Eiffel Tower.

Packing Shipping Crates.


The license to operate a Tape Gun.


Courier Trip with a local Norwegian traveling companion


Or most of the time working at my desk pushing paperwork and making lots and lots of files.