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The Culture: Hip Hop and Contemporary Art in the 21st Century FREE July 25–28! Learn more about the exhibition.


Cincinnati Art Museum Celebrates Art Education This Week and Every Day of the Year

by Emily Holtrop


art education , education week , learning & interpretation

Happy Arts in Education Week!

The Cincinnati Art Museum is art education.  It is the foundation upon which we were founded and it is embedded into everything we do, from our amazing special exhibitions, to our permanent collection to our many public and school programs for all ages and abilities. It is the air we breathe and our reason for being. 

While we work very hard to celebrate the hard work of art educators every day of the year, we also love that there is a special week (September 9-15, 2018) dedicated to Arts in Education every year.

Arts in Education Week was designated by Congress, with House Resolution 275, in 2010. During this week, the field of arts education and its supporters join together in communities across the country to tell the story of the transformative power of the arts in education. I hope you will join me in supporting arts in education in your schools, community centers, neighborhoods and of course at art museums.

Looking for ways in which you can support Arts in Education in our schools? Check out this great resource from the National Art Education Association - #VisualArtsEdMatters Toolkit. Head to the Americans for the Arts ( for additional tips on how you can celebrate and support arts in education this week and for many more to come.

Get engaged on social media! Tell the world your #BecauseOfArtsEd story. Share what you are doing now in work and life, and show how arts education has a positive impact with a photo! Be sure to use #ArtsEdWeek, too.